I don't seem to be able to embed this video, so you'll have to click on the image of Marlon Brando to be redirected to his delivery of Marc Anthony's speech from the 1953 adaptation of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Following on from the class debate on whether or not the University of Essex is justified in charging students fees of £9000 per year from 2012 onwards, you may be interested in reading this article from the Guardian, this from the Telegraph, or Jules Pretty's justification of Essex University's decision.
Finally, I just wanted to record on this blog the criteria for a good argument that our neutrals devised in class today. They decided that to deliver an effective argument, the following ingredients are essential:1.Clarity of expression; 2.Focus / clarity of argumentation; 3. Explanation and support; 4. Good behaviour.
Finally, I just wanted to record on this blog the criteria for a good argument that our neutrals devised in class today. They decided that to deliver an effective argument, the following ingredients are essential:1.Clarity of expression; 2.Focus / clarity of argumentation; 3. Explanation and support; 4. Good behaviour.